A Different Kind of Story Telling

A different kind of story telling. “Margo Jefferson is one of the great innovators in modern autobiographical narrative..” D.P. A memoir.

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Are Your Habits & Culture Limiting Your Economic Prosperity? 

Factors Preventing Economic Prosperity; dissertation asserts addressing “culture of poverty” is the answer. Read argument & potential solution

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Two Ways to Utilize Old Smart Phones

Two Ways to Utilize Old Smart Phones. Do you have old phones that can be given a second life? Utilize or donate them. Read how.

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Tango Workflows, Do You Know About Them?

Tango workflows is a powerful documentation tool that enables users to document processes or training tools. Learn more about it!

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Are you contemplating growing a garden in 2023?

Are you contemplating growing a garden? Watch these videos, hope you find it inspiring, if not directly helpful toward your gardening goals.

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