3 cherries on a plate

The Cherry Pie Alternative in 5 Minutes with 3 Ingredients

Quick and Simple Cherry Dessert

So my husband has a sweet tooth, but unfortunately for him, I do not bake desserts often. There are many reasons for this.

He does not like sugar substitutes.

He generally agrees he needs to monitor his sugar consumption. However, if sweats are readily available, he will tend to eat extra portions.

If I bake, even I end up eating more sugar than I had planned to.

My solution is to not bake often.

My husband knows it, as I remind him of this often.

I want to provide less sugary dessert options. This is one of the reasons I came up with this cherry pie alternative.

You may read the ingredients, and not think much of the recipe. However, do not discount it until you try it.

The Maria Cookies, if you have not had them, are crips and slightly sweet. They also have a low saturated fat content.

I was happy when I first served it to him. He really liked it. It turned into one more acceptable dessert option for us, and it requires little time and effort.

As mentioned above, it only has three ingredients and takes 5 minutes to prepare. The ingredients on the list make one serving.  


1/2 cherries

1 tbsp dark chocolate morsels or chocolate squares.

4 Gamesa brand Marias Mexican cookies


  • Use an individual serving microwavable bowl.
  • Combine all ingredients. Place the chocolate on the bottom.
  • Microwave bowl for 20 seconds. Wait a few seconds and microwave again for 20 seconds.
  • Remove from microwave, mix well and allow to cool down for a minute or two.
  • Enjoy cherries slowly, being careful not to break a tooth with the cherry pit.
Cherry Dessert 1
Cherry Dessert 2

Additional Recipe Notes:

You can remove the cherry pits before heating, but this may increase the 5 minute preparation time frame. 

Leaving them in may require that you to enjoy the dessert at a slower pace, which is not a bad idea.

To have additional options, you can substitute the cherries for blueberries or strawberries, or a combination of these.

Other fruits may work, as long as they do not have high water content. Too much fruit juice may soften the cookies too much and change the intended texture of the recipe.

Check out this U. S. News article about 10 Surprising Facts About Cherries.
