Tango Workflows, Do You Know About Them?
Tango Workflows, who came up with this name?
Have you ever been tasked to document a new process or to create an illustrated guide to support the operation of a complex system, or create any type of training materials?
If you do not yet know about Tango Workflows, you must get to know it fast. This tool will simplify things to such a degree, that you will wonder where it has been all of your life!
The good thing, it hasn’t existed for very long. You can access this tool for free on your computer via a Chrome extension. Chrome as you may know, is also free. Below you will find a brief explanation of how Tango Workflows work. The application does have a pricing structure, but the free access is relatively generous.
How Tango Workflows Work
First, you identify the need to create a step-by-step guide to teach someone, let’s say, how to use a specific software application. You then open the Tango chrome extension, and you open a new workflow. Next, you go to the training application. You start by navigating to the first nugget of information you need to be the first step in the process. Click and Tango will capture an image of that first section you designate. This is the beginning of the workflow that you will be capturing in a template step by step. You can add and delete images, which is great if you are working from a non-digital source. You can also annotate and crop the images. The tool provides a title that you can update, and you can also add a description. When you complete one step, you get prompt to create the next. Repeat to complete the rest of the steps. You can re-arrange steps, and you can add and delete steps as needed.
At the end, you have a set of slides. You have several options to disseminate the new workflow. You can share the link, or you can embed it to a webpage, or add to a training portal. The users can also download it and print or share as a pdf file.
This application can help you create, improve, or standardize processes. And, it can also make it simpler to generate what you need to hire and train staff.
Start learning this tool, and begin stepping up your contribution game in your business or organization.
Tango was founded in 2020, and it became available through a Chrome extension in 2021, and it is already a popular application due to its powerful functionality.
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