Did You Know That An Avocado a Day may Keep the Cardiologist Away?

An avocado a day can keep the cardiologist away due to its monounsaturated fat content. This fat benefits the heart and more.

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Have you used a Pressure Cooker?

Using a pressure cooker has potential to save time, broaden meal choices, and provide really delicious meals. A story of how we got started.

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Are You Having Fun When Trying New Foods?

Creativity in the kitchen may help us stay motivated toward achieving our nutrition and wellness goals. It can make trying new foods fun.

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How to Create Your Signature Salsa Recipe

Do you have a favorite salsa recipe? Create your very own signature Mexican Salsa recipe following the tips on this post. You can do it!

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Is Garlic Considered a Vegetable?

Things I learned about garlic. Is it a considered herb or is garlic a vegetable? Is garlic harmful to pets? Plus, foodie insights about garlic.

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